+420 725 297 641

About us

Dr. Marta Koudelkova (DVM)

My name is Marta Koudelková and I am the vet who will visit your pet and you right in your home. How did I get this job?

I don't know if you believe in fate, but I knew all my life that when I grew up, I would become a veterinarian. I couldn't even imagine to work in something else. I wanted to adopt every animal I saw since my childhood. In primary school, I treated an ill Bududgarrigar back to health, and read with passion all of the James Herriot books. And these things probably decided my future destiny as well, and the idea of being the vet was born.

I studied Ludwig - Maximillians University Munich and Veterinary and pharmaceutical University Brno and graduated as doctor of veterinary medicine 2011. After my studies, I was working in a private veterinary clinic in Prague.

When I  worked there, I saw how just little time the vet could give to our animal patients and their owners. I got sick of seeing all the scared dogs who try to escape and cats scared to the point peeing. Most of the animals were emotionally  and physically stressed, terrified outside of their normal surroundings, as many animals are very territorial.  I wanted to offer them the care they deserved, calm and relaxed at their own home.

My life working as a Home Vet is more exciting and interesting now. I like to treat animals in their own backyard or living room, because its more natural and comfortable for the owners and their furry friends.

Veterinary medicine is not just about love for animals. but is about hard work and education as well. I try to inform and educate my clients about healthiness and work closely with fanciers and breeders and give timely advice. I am helping the fight against animals obesity and advise the right foods to prevent this. Because the more of your time, money and energy you invest in prevention, the better your animal will feel and the more you will save in vet bills.

I have Sharpei female and in my free time we love to travel and discover new landscapes and countries. I also speak English and German as well, and love meeting people in there natural environments.

- University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Czech Republic 2005 - May 2011

- Continuing studies of Veterinary Medicine at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, Germany, 2008 - 2009  

- Veterinary clinic for ruminants, swines and exotical birds Oberschleissheim, Germany, 2008 - 2009 

- Clinic of veterinary faculty in Munich, 2008 - 2009

Sphere of internal medicine of small animals

- Clinic of veterinary faculty in Munich, Germany, 2008 - 2009

Sphere of surgery of small animals, worked with Professor of Vet. Med. Roberto Koestlin

- Veterinary clinic, Klánovice Prague 9, 2006 - 2007 Dr. Tomas Vlach 

- Hartfield animal hospital, Virginia USA 2009-2010 Dr. Steven Skinner and Dr. Dallas Scales

- Veterinary clinic Na Hrádku Prague, 2010  Dr. Skala and Dr. Nečasová, sphere of Small animals surgery, internal  medicine, and      exotic pets medicine

- Dr. Naxera’s veterinary clinic Prague, 2010

Published my article for Prof. MVDr. Doubek CsC  in book “From fysiology to medicine” 2010

Part time job in Scientific research and development in Department of Medical Biophysics and Informatics Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague 2010 (Sphere of Cardiology, for Doc. Dr. Rosina, PhD, also Dean of Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering) 

Feline Medicine Symphosiums and simillar congreses (Dr. Andy Sparkes, BVetMed, PhD, DipECVIM-CA, RCVS Recognized Specialist in Feline Medicine, MRCVS, Dr. Andrea Harvey, Recognized Specialist in Feline Medicine, MRCVS, Dr. Jill Cline, PhD, Nestlé PURINA Senior Scientist) 

Veterinary medicine of exotical animals - Animal clinic (MVDr. Jan Hnízdo) june 2011


June 2011 - Exotic Animal Conference - Ophthalomology ( VFU Brno)

July 2011 - Theresa Welch Fossum (Texas, USA) - Novinky a mini-invazivní techniky v hrudní chirurgii, kardiologii a endovaskulární zákroky u malých zvířat

July 2011 Steve Thompson, D.V.M. Diplomate A.B.V.P.  (Purdue University Indiana USA) – Felinní medicína a geriatrický pacient. Urgentní stavy u malých zvířat. Americký přístup k eutanázii. IRIS klasifikace

September 2011  European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Companion Animals Congress (Sevilla Spain)